We are looking for passionate and motivated midwives to join our forward-thinking, energetic midwifery team. Our maternity services across Poole and Bournemouth have created new opportunities and are due to relocate to a new purpose built maternity unit in 2025, this is a great time to join and be part of our new team. We are looking to recruit Band 6 midwives across the following areas:
- Antenatal
- Community
- Labour and Birth care
- Maternity triage
- Postnatal, The Maternity department is committed to education and development. We invest in an education team which supports learning and practice development across the department. Opportunities currently in place are as follows:
- Access to a Practice Development Midwife and Clinical Practice Facilitator
- Live Team Skills Drills
- Access recognised post-registration qualifications in partnership with Bournemouth University
- E-learning programmes
- Post registration opportunities to study at degree, Masters and PhD level
- Potential to progress through the career structure from Midwife Practitioner to Midwife Team Leader, Consultant Midwife and Matron.
As a band 6 midwife it is expected that you will be clinically competent and will take responsibility as a sign off mentor for student midwives. You will work a shift pattern that includes unsocial hours and provides a 24/7, 365 day a year service. We can offer you the opportunity to take on link roles within infection control / risk management / clinical skills trainer/ safeguarding as required by the service. We are responsive to national agendas and continuously review and develop our services often leading to opportunities to progress your career.
University Hospitals Dorset encourages collaborative working and positive relationships with the maternity and neonatal voices partnership, adapting the service based upon comments from patient experience. Encouraging completion of the friends and family feedback with an average response rate of 90% rating our service either good/very good. The maternity service obtain regular feedback from staff that improves the service, our latest SCORE (Safety, Communication, Operational, Reliability and Engagement) survey with one of the highest response rates in the country reported that the majority of staff do not wish to leave the organisation and the people from different disciplines/backgrounds work together as a well co-ordinated team.