We are seeking to appoint a Locum Consultant in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, providing flexible cover to the needs of the department for a fixed term period of 12 months.
You will need to possess membership of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology or a qualification of equivalent standard. The job plan incorporates 10 programmed activities of which 9 are DCC working across Gynaecology & Obstetrics.
Womens Services Directorate is part of the Womens and Childrens Division of London North West Healthcare NHS Trust. The Directorate includes Maternity, Gynaecology and Neonatal services.
Operating lists take place on both Ealing and Northwick Park sites. Most of the Gynae operating lists happen at Ealing site. Clinics occur on the three sites. There is a Gynaecology Direct Referral Unit based on the surgical floor at Northwick Park. This service allows emergency referrals from GPs to be assessed and treated within a dedicated gynaecology environment rather than in the Emergency Department. Ealing hospital runs an EPU.
The post holder will be a key member of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology team. Key responsibilities will include:
Responsible for providing General Gynaecology including Colposcopy and Outpatient Hysteroscopy Services, working in the Gynaecology direct referral unit as required. The post holder will work predominantly on Ealing and Northwick Park sites although there may be some work at Central Middlesex Hospital as the need arises.
We deliver up to 4700 babies per annum. The maternity unit includes a high risk Obstetric led delivery suite and a Midwifery Led Birth Centre , ANC, Day Assessment Unit, Fetal Medicine Unit , ante /postnatal wards. Consultant hours on labour ward are provided 96hours per week. Each consultant who practices obstetrics and not a part of resident at night rota has a hot week on labour ward when his/her elective activity will be cancelled and will do 8am-8pm on labour ward 3 or 4 days every 9 weeks.
London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust (LNWH) cares for the people of Brent, Ealing, Harrow and beyond.
We Run Major Acute Services At
Northwick Park Hospital: home to one of the busiest emergency departments (A&E) in the country. The hospital provides a full range of services including the countrys top-rated hyper-acute stroke unit and one of only three hyper-acute rehabilitation units in the UK
St Marks Hospital: an internationally renowned specialist centre for bowel disease
Ealing Hospital: a busy district general hospital providing a range of clinical services, as well as 24/7 emergency department and urgent care centre, and specialist care at Meadow House Hospice
Central Middlesex Hospital: our planned care site, hosting a range of surgical and outpatient services and collocated with an urgent care centre.
We are a university teaching NHS trust, in recognition of the important role we play in training clinicians of the future and bringing the benefits of research to the public.
Please Refer To Job Description Provided For Further Details.
The post holder will be registered with the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for CPD and carry out the requirements of the College. The Trust will fund the post holders CPD to an agreed maximum currently £400.00 per annum. The successful applicant will be expected participate in research and to contribute to the Research & Development programme in London North West Healthcare NHS Trust. It is anticipated that links with Hammersmith and Queen Charlottes Hospital will strengthen. There is an opportunity to work closely with the well renowned QCCH.